
Archive for December, 2008

Look, You're All I Got . . .

Look, You're All I Got . . .

After four days of stuffing myself silly, I’m here to wish you all a Happy Holiday season and to give ya a tiny little update of wots been happenin’ in my little life here in the capital of TX, aka Music Capital of the World. Tonight I was commenting on a recent comment to my most recent post of Oct. 26, and I thought, dang! It’s been too long since I last posted. And dadgummit, I haven’t even posted on my crop o’ greens, like I promised.

I guess like everyone else I got caught up in the elections (Obamarama time, yes indeedy!), and then the Thanksgiving holiday. And in between I got sucked up in a house project to stain the concrete floor in my spare bedroom that is going to become my study, and it’s still not complete yet. As my most recent ex-boyfriend liked to say, that’s been a real horror show.  But oh well! More on that horrific-ness in another post, and yes, I do intend to subject you to a lovely recounting of that punishing work.

In any case, I just finished up a nice Thanksgiving holiday with mi madre, who came up from the lovely metropolis of El Campo, TX to eat a sumptitious T-day feast at Hyde Park Bar and Grille (we love not having to cook and clean, as this has become our new tradition) and go shopping almost every day she was here. Of course, she got all her Christmas shopping done, while I barely scratched the surface, dang it! Mom and I also bought a fake tree from Garden Ridge Pottery and got it up and decorated it, and added other festive trimmings around the house like the Santa and Pig in the pix above. The Santa and Pig piece was something my Mom got my beloved stepfather years ago.  My stepfather had an awesome collection of Santas, and this was my favorite. With my stepfather’s passing last year, my Mom brought this to me to have this year. Isn’t that great? 

Mom and I also got some pictures hung up in the house finally  (I’ve only been in this house 10 months!). So we were pretty busy gals. We had a good time, and we ate too much while she was here. Back to the old healthy diet tomorrow!

In any case, I hope you had a good time too, and will have an even better time as we get deeper into the Holiday season. I’d also like to take this moment to encourage everyone to really, really enjoy this season, and try to contemplate, whatever your faith or unfaith, the true meaning of this time.

I don’t really want to get overly sentimental and trite, and I know for many people this time can be very stressful, and even depressing. I also know with the tough economic times that many are having, that there could be an extra challenge in maintaining the holiday spirit for many. I know for myself that in holiday seasons past I’d really come to dread it, simply because of all the pressures to shop and buy gifts and such.

However, I know that this season I really want to keep the deeper sentiment of this time in my heart and soul and to savor the true essence of this time. This time to me is a time of reflection, to think about this year and even years past, to reflect on the person I have become and am becoming. It’s a time for me to consider what love and peace really are, and how I can truly love others and be a channel for love and peace. This is something I really want to do this holiday season, and I’d like to encourage you to do the same.

I know that there’s some wild and chaotic things going on in this world at the moment, but I know that there are lots of good things going on too, and I’d like to encourage folks to think about that. It’s too easy to overlook the good especially when it seems like the media is beating us to death with news about the economy or the world, but please try and think of it, no matter how small. Savor perhaps your little kid’s gaze of wonder and broad smile while looking at Christmas tree lights. Or for those childless amongst us, enjoy your laughter at your fat kitty as he rolls over to show his tubby tummy while giving you a look that tells you he knows he’s cute (like mine did today). Enjoy these little things. Enjoy your life, laugh, meditate on the essence of this season, know that you are loved and that you are love, feel the life force of love that dances within you and dance with it, celebrate it. This is what this season is all about, whether you are a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, a pagan, an atheist, an agnostic, or spiritual but not religious, this is what it is all about. Enjoy it and be with it! This is what I intend to do. (and also to finally write about my greens!)

Happy Hollidays!

–Zippy 🙂

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